The DeepLabCut AI Resident Hub Organizer & Workshop Team!
💜Alumni: The 2022 DeepLabCut AI Residents
Check out the 2022 AI Residents Video 💜!
💜Alumni: The 2023 DeepLabCut AI Residents
Anna Teruel-Sanchis
Anna is a PhD student at the University of Valencia (Spain). She investigates deficits in the integration of social stimuli in hippocampus-dependent memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Her studies use calcium imaging methods under behavioural paradigms, combined with context-associated engram detection. She is very interested in open source software, exploring innovative and affordable methods for the analysis of social behaviour. She is eager to apply these technologies out of the conviction that open source software can be a catalyst for the growth and empowerment of communities
Riza Rae Pineda
Rae is a cheerful nature lover, who is taking her doctoral degree in Computer Science from Japan. She is deeply passionate about studying and developing Computer Vision techniques and applying these to solve an array of problems in animal behavior analysis. She worked on fish behavior tracking for her Master's research and is currently working on Japanese macaque tracking and behavior analysis from monocular handheld cameras for her doctoral dissertation. The main driving force in her pursuit of knowledge is, aside from her excitement for learning new things, that she is able to serve as an inspiration to young girls who are interested in science and provide the same learning experiences to them as she received from the DeepLabCut Community.
Konrad Danielewski
Konrad is a final year PhD student at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, PAS in Warsaw. His research involves combining electrophysiological recordings and 3D reconstruction of pose in paradigms of social transmission of information in rats. He has a keen interest in deep learning and its applications in advancing scientific progress. Passionate about open science, he actively promotes its principles and advocates for open-source tools through his work at Nencki Open Lab
Check out the 2023 AI Residents Video 💜!
💜Alumni: 2024 DLC AI Residents